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The Crest of Nfld


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a Screech-In 'eh

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that has everything to help
you perform it right


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The Comedy Isle

You know you are from Newfoundland when:

1. You never meet any celebrities except Buddy Wasisname.

2. Your idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor on the highway.

4. You've seen all the biggest bands ten years after they were popular in Toronto.

5. You measure distance in hours when travelling across the province.

7. Your classes were often cancelled because of snow.

9. You use a down comforter in the summer.

10. Your grandparents drive at 100/km per hour through 13 feet of snow in a raging blizzard - without flinching.

11. Your social life consists of bingo, darts, cards & fishing.

12. You see people wear hunting clothes or jogging suits to social events.

13. You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked.

14. You think of the major four food groups as moose meat, beer, fish and berries.

16. There are 4 empty cars running in the parking lot at the convenience store at any given time.

17. You only own three spices: Salt, Pepper and Ketchup.

18. You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.

19. Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow.

20. You think everyone from a bigger city has an accent.

21. You think sexy lingerie is a flimsy polyester night dress.

23. It takes 3 hours to go to the store for one item when your in a rush because you have to stop and talk to everyone you know.

24. You have a satelite dish with 200 channels and you watch the NTV evening newshour religiously.

26. Everyone knows a snowmobile in the back of a new truck is a sign of a well off man.

27. You have your own rubber boots & ball cap for picking berries and fishing.

28. The shed, barn, or boat house are acceptable places for grown men and sometimes women to drink and socialize.

    Currently in

    Since i do not have time to keep
    up with this website, if you
    know of a good site not listed here,
    please email me the address so i can add it,

    The 5 Pillars of Health...

  1. Nikken
    ~~ Total Wellness ~~

  2. G.F./ Windsor
  3. G.F./ Windsor Street Pictures
  4. 1916 Beaumont Hamel
  5. Central Newfoundland
  6. Mount Peyton

    Robinson Blackmore

  7. Downhomer
  8. Herald
  9. The Evening Telegram
  10. Nfld Sportsman
  11. CBC News Text
  12. Northern Pen
  13. Karl Wells

  14. Batteryradio
  15. CBC
  16. CHMR-FM 93.5
  17. CKDU 97.5 FM
  18. CKNS
  19. VOCM
  20. VOWR
  21. Land & Sea
  22. Oz fm
  23. NTV
  24. Radio Newfoundland

  25. Destination Nfld
  26. Tourism Nfld and Labrador
  27. Gros Morne
  28. Gros Morne Park
  29. Terra Nova Park
  30. Provincial Parks
  31. Nfld Museums
  32. Nfld Art Gallery
  33. The Art Emporium
  34. Nfld Discovery Site
  35. Nfld & Lab Tourism
  36. Nfld-Lab Culture

  37. Umemployment Office...HRDC
  38. Better Business Bureau
  39. Government of nfld
  40. RNC
  41. Nfld Power
  42. Nfld Hydro
  43. Works, Services & Transportation
  44. Housing Corporation

  45. Nfld Map
  46. Nfld-Labrador
  47. Best of Nfld
  48. Nftoday
  49. MillerTown Chatroom

  50. NFLD Dictionary
  51. Nfld Encyclopedia
  52. Newfoundland Directory
  53. Lesje Scenery shots
  54. Lynn's Art Gallery

  55. Nfld websites by towns
  56. Nfld websites by subject
  57. Community Access Centers

  58. St Johns
  59. a tribute to twillingate
  60. Twillingate
  61. Deerlake
  62. Miles cove
  63. Bell Island
  64. Bay Roberts
  65. Town of Buchans
  66. Renews Heritage Committee

  67. Nfld Shriners
  68. Janeway Foundation
  69. Nfld Assoc for Gifted Children
  70. Lung association
  71. Autism Society
  72. Epilepsy Nfld
  73. Nurse's Union
  74. Planned Parenthood
  75. Hospitality Nfld

  76. Lady Newfoundland
  77. Nfld Online
  78. Tides Point
  79. Nfld Anchor
  80. Gateway to Nfld
  81. On the Rocks Designs

  82. Marine Atlantic
  83. drl coachlines
  84. Stephenville Airport
  85. Airlabrador
  86. St Johns Inter'n Airport
  87. Gander Inter'n Airport
  88. Jetsgo
  89. Provincial Airlines Ltd
  90. Goose Bay Airport
  91. St John's Port Authority
  92. Cruise Nfld & Labrador
  93. Nfld HF/VHF/UHF Aviation Frequencies

  94. Nfld Rental Guide
  95. New & Used Auto Mall
  96. Twacking
  97. The Newfoundland Channel
  98. Nfld Buy & Sell
  99. Newfound Bikers
  100. Anchor Bingo


  101. Wild Nfld
  102. Protected Areas Association
  103. Labrador
  104. Hunting & Fishing
  105. Nfld Backcountry
  106. Nfld Outdoors
  107. Woody Island Resort
  108. Western Nfld Model Forest
  109. Wilderness Nfld
  110. Explore Nfld
  111. Holiday Junction


  112. Flowers River Lodge
  113. Tuckamore Lodge
  114. Nfld Adventures Ltd.
  115. Addventures X
  116. Nfld Cottages
  117. Sandy Lake Lodge
  118. Burgeo Coast Wilderness Excursions


  119. Fairmont Nfld

    Bed & Breakfast Nfld

    Come and Meet
    alot of Folks from

    View My Guestbook
    Sign My Guestbook

  1. Marble Mountain
  2. Whitehills
  3. Newfoundland Hockey
  4. Lewisporte Yacht Club
  5. Targa Nfld
  6. St. John's Regatta
  7. Sailing Notre Dame Bay
  8. Golf Nfld
  9. Basketball Association
  10. Softball Association
  11. Microplay Nfld
  12. Nfld Cycling
  13. Nfld Athletics Association
  14. Western Snowmobile Club

  15. 21st St John's Girl Guides
  16. Central West Girl Guides
  17. History of Guiding in Dunville
  18. NorthEast Avalon Scouts
  19. Scouting/Guiding Software & Files

  20. Computer's for Schools
  21. Nfld Teacher's Association
  22. Nfld Libraries on the Web
  23. K-12 Grade schools
  24. Mun Library
  25. Memorial University of Nfld
  26. C'MUN Outdoors
  27. College of the North Atlantic
  28. Marine Institute
  29. Faculty of Engineering
  30. School for the Deaf

  31. Arts and Culture Center
  32. Arts and Entertainment
  33. Gymnastics Nfld

  34. Whatever happened to
    Margaret "Maggie" Madigan?

    Nfld Heritage Tree

  35. MUN Botanical Garden
  36. Gazebo Hill
  37. Cape St Mary's
  38. Nfld Film Development Corp
  39. Natural History Society
  40. Frog Watch
  41. Canadian Sealers Association
  42. Salmon Association of Eastern Nfld

  43. Environmental Industry Association
  44. Nfld/Lab Lifesaving Society
  45. Exploits Valley Economic Development Corp.
  46. Nfld Federation of Municipalities
  47. Board of Commissioners
  48. ANLA
  49. Murphy Center
  50. Community Access Program

  51. Law Society of Nfld
  52. Crime Stoppers
  53. Smoking Sucks

  54. Nfld Liquor Corp.
  55. Nfld Oil Discoveries
  56. Can-Nfld Offshore Petroleum Board

    Nfld Genealogy

  57. Nfld Grand Banks
  58. Gregor's Gathering
  59. RootsWeb Nfld-Lab-L Archives
  60. Arnold
  61. Cementaries of Nfld
  62. From Clare to Here

  63. Mummering in Nfld
  64. Nfld Christmas
  65. Newfoundlandsnow
  66. eberg

  67. Eastwaters
  68. Fossils in Nfld & Lab
  69. The Newfoundland Story
  70. Newfoundland Outport
  71. CodFish
  72. Newfoundland Patriot

  73. Moose Intro
  74. Interesting Facts

  75. Newfiejig
  76. Comerfords
  77. Irish Loop
  78. sail newfoundland
  79. Coastal safari
  80. Pubs in St. John's
  81. Beer expedition
  82. Hauntedhike
  83. Welcome to Western Nfld
  84. Images of an enchanted rocky isle
  85. Irving's Pictures

  86. Avalon Social
  87. Gateway to Nfld
  88. Once a rock inc
  89. The Well That Never Runs Dry
  90. yaffles & yaffles
  91. Smiley the Clown

  92. Links-'n-Lore
  93. Nfld Junction
  94. Clyde_c
  96. Festival Coast

  97. Nfld Interactive
  98. Communication Highway
  99. Nfld 1997
  100. Doryload
  101. Yesby
  102. "Newfoundland"CA

  103. Google Nfld

  104. Newfoundlink
  105. Newfoundfriends
  106. Newfiesearch
  108. Newfoundlanders abroad
  109. Newfoundlanders farnear

    Nfld Money

  1. Panoramic view of Signal Hill

    Nfld Music Sites

  2. O'briens Music
  3. Newfoundland Music
  4. Nfld Music Links
  5. Singsong
  6. Dick Nolan
  7. Buddywasisname
  8. A. Frank Willis
  9. Rod Jackson
  10. The Newfie Stump Jumpers
  11. GEST Songs of Nfld
  12. Sharecroppers  

    Nfld Foods

  13. Purity Factories
  14. Betty's Tastes of Newfoundland
    ---Nfld recipes
  15. Nfld Lobster & Seafood
  16. Quidi Vidi Brewing Co.
  18. Sparkls Nfld Kitchen
  19. Our Traditional Cuisine

  20. Wanna ask a newfoundland question !!!
  21. Wanna Buy a Nfld Book !!!

    Community of Fleur De Lys Links

  22. Samantha Walsh
  23. Dorset Paleoeskimo Soapstone Quarry
  24. old pic of Fleur De Lys
  25. Salt Fisheries Digital Exhibit
  26. Billie-Jo Shea
  27. Pics of Fleur De Lys

  28. Ode to Nfld
  29. History of Nfld Flags
  30. Terra Nova Greens

  31. Newfie WebRing
  32. Newfoundlanders Home Pages
  33. St Johns 247 Forum

  34. Nfld Society Ottawa
  35. World Nfld Club
  36. Nfld Club of Victoria
  37. Nfld Club of Columbia River
  38. Nfld Club of Seattle

  39. Nfld Collectables
  40. Harvey
  41. Labrador Retrievers
  42. River King Nfld Club
  43. Newfie Dog Club

  44. Nfld's 1st Heritage Animal
  45. Nfld Pony
  46. Pony

  47. Info on the Nfld Railway
  48. Nfld RailWay Schedule 1940
  49. Nfld Trailway

  50. Nfld Currency
  51. Nfld coins
  52. Nfld Postage Stamps
  53. Nfld-dog postal stamps
  54. Nfld-dog playing cards


  55. A Readers Guide
  56. Terms of Union
  57. 1931 film THE VIKING on dvd
  58. NFLD Museum Notes
  59. Life in 1620
  60. Nfld Act
  61. Nfld Constitutional Documents
  62. Archival Treasures
  63. 1929 Grand Banks Tsunami
  64. 1880's Pictorial


    Original Nfld Indians

  65. Beothuk Indians
  66. Drawings by Shanawdithit
  67. Beothuk Beliefs and Practices
  68. Beothucks or Red Indians
  69. Journey across the Island
  70. Eighteenth Century
  71. Nineteenth Century

    MicMac's of Conne River, Nfld

  72. Miawpukek Band
  73. Miawpukek Aknutmaqn
  74. Sipujij Bowhunting/Fishing Lodge
  75. Eagle Quest
  76. Renejeddore
  77. Miawpukek Human Resources

    Do Your Banking Online

  78. Nfld UFO Research

    Treasure Map

  79. US bases in Nfld
  80. Nfld shipwrecks

    Community Street Maps

  81. Joe Sallmen`s Lisence Plates
  82. a sport flight

  83. Royal Canadian Legion of Nfld
  84. Nfld Memorial
  85. Nfld Overseas Forestry Unit
  86. Nfld War Memorial Gallery
  88. Beaumont-Hamel index
  89. The Somme Battle

  90. Nfld & the Great War
  91. Nfld Rangers
  92. R.N.R. Bulger's Coy
  93. Royal Nfld Companies
  94. For King & Country

  95. Go Ireland
  96. Dianes page of Ireland
  97. lenihan
  98. Everything Ireland
  99. Irish folk lyrics
  100. lilesnet
  101. donaghth

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